Tips To Stay Connected While Working From Home

Developing and maintaining personal and professional support networks in order to stay well and continue to perform well in your job is more important than ever and a significant aspect of our resilience. Make sure you stay well connected through this “new normal” and time of uncertainty. For the extroverts amongst us, this may be a challenging time as you work alone and equally, for those more introverted, you may be feeling the changes but in a different way.

We all go through things differently and the adjustments required to work from home may seem good one day, and not so the next.

  1. Use technology so you’re still connecting in face to face – zoom, skype etc  
  2. Pick up the phone and have a conversation, don’t just text or email, we need real connection with others. This also helps you pick up better on the unsaid things that may otherwise go unnoticed
  3. If you have start-up meetings in the office – continue these virtually or if you don’t, maybe start them, stick to a routine
  4. Have end of the day debriefs – check in with your team, how’s everyone doing, share hints, tips, wins
  5. If you are a leader, check in with team members individually, not just in a group session as quieter members of the team may not be so forth coming
  6. Ask your team what works for them – how do they like to stay connected and play to their strengths
  7. Enjoy virtual coffee, lunch or exercise breaks
  8. Continue to network, do it virtually, you can still both enjoy a cuppa together
  9. Ask yourself the question – what relationships are important to me that need more attention? How can I foster these right now?
  10. Mapping out your existing network could be a useful exercise – are there gaps in the support you need right now? How can you tap into your network at this time? Others maybe feeling exactly the same way as you are and by reaching out to others, this can improve the way both of you are feeling.

Kia Kaha – Be strong

Kia Maia – Be steadfast

Kia Manawanui – Be willing

Developing and maintaining personal and professional networks is an important aspect of building resilience and even more so in uncertain and complex times. If you’d like to know more about building resilience for individuals, leaders, or teams please get in touch for a free discovery call.

Robin Wilson Resilence At Work Specialist Sm

Robin Wilson

Robin is a Catalyst for Change. A Resilience at Work Coach, Workplace Wellness Specialist and Holistic Health & Wellness Coach who specialises in helping individuals, leaders and teams to flourish.

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