Money is one of those subjects many Kiwi’s don’t like talking about. Next week is Money Week 2021 so we turn our mind to financial wellbeing which is one of the Eight Dimensions of Wellness. Wellbeing evolves though the integration of eight dimensions. These work in synergy, influencing and balancing each other to create overall wellbeing. Each dimension forms a piece of a lifestyle pie; without one piece, there is a void, a missing link that imbalances the remainder of the dimensions.
The Southern Cross Healthy Futures Report 2020 states that the top health and wellbeing concern for Kiwi’s is the cost of living. 57% worry they do not have enough money to support themselves or their family. A high number of people indicated they would wait it out rather than see a health professional due to cost. We live in a world where Kiwis can no longer turn up to work despite being sick, especially if they have cold and flu symptoms.
Money worries can cause sleep deprivation, impacting on our health and wellbeing. Sky rocketing housing and living costs along with fears around future interest rate rises could be adding to the financial load. Difficulty with finances is very common and an unhealthy relationship with money can cause emotional turmoil for some. This can lead to mental health concerns such as depression according to debt.org.
Saving for a rainy day is important.
Planning helps us manage our financial health and security by keeping spending within our financial means. Saving for emergencies and accessing information and tools to help make good financial sense.
As an employer, wellness committee member or navigator, what can you do to help your people to better understand money and improve their financial wellbeing?
- Check out the great resources for financial wellbeing at Sorted or Te Ara Ahunga Ora Money Week There’s a load of ideas and activities you can use with your team and to share the message with your community. You could have plenty of fun with the quiz while learning as you go!
- Talk to your Banker or Financial Adviser – maybe they can run a session with your team about relevant topics such as Kiwisaver, How to Manage Debt or Budgeting.
- Involve your team – seek their input. What would they like to learn more about, ask the questions.
- Encourage the message to reach out for help from an experienced, trusted source.
It’s good to talk about money issues – kickstart the kōrero, you’ll find you are not alone.
Workplaces that promote Health and Wellbeing are four times more likely to retain talent within the first 12 months.
Having a Wellness Committee or Navigator Crew (Champions) on board could be the difference you’ve been looking for. Apart from being the ‘eyes and ears’ on the ground, they provide peer support to colleagues, are the anchors for your organisation’s wellbeing strategy and are role models and advocates for health and wellbeing in your workplace.
They are the internal connectors across teams, locations, shifts and other divides to coordinate and promote your wellbeing initiatives.
Our 12-month Navigator Programme is designed for leaders, managers, committees and wellness champions. This programme trains, coaches and resources your crew with the right skills, knowledge and tools to successfully implement and maintain wellness strategies in your workplace.
Contact us today for your free Workplace Wellness Discovery Session. See how we can help you and your team get a plan in place to navigate the challenges and build on what’s already working well at your place.
Southern Cross Healthy Futures Report 2020
Southern Cross Health Society-Business NZ Workplace Wellness report 2019

Robin Wilson
Robin is a Catalyst for Change. A Resilience at Work Coach, Workplace Wellness Specialist and Holistic Health & Wellness Coach who specialises in helping individuals, leaders and teams to flourish.