How To Step Away From Work And Be Present

Whether your Christmas break is one day or one month, it is still time to ‘step away’ from work completely and allow yourself to be in the present moment with what is happening for you. Whether that be celebrating with family and friends or having some well-earned ‘me time’. Some good advice I received many moons ago and that I try to heed – Take time to silence the chatty monkey in your head – what has not been completed by Christmas Eve will be waiting for you on your return whenever that is.

This ‘Not to Do List’ is valuable as we wind into Christmas. Put as many of the ‘instead’ actions in place as you can and, unless business critical, unplug completely from work.

It has been a phenomenal year for us all so it is OK to take time out and just reflect on what is important in life and finding our authentic person within before we barrel into 2021.

Not To Do List

There are so many learnings from 2020 and rich experiences and positives that help build our resilience and hopefully make us a better person along the way. 

Robin Wilson Resilence At Work Specialist Sm

Robin Wilson

Robin is a Catalyst for Change. A Resilience at Work Coach, Workplace Wellness Specialist and Holistic Health & Wellness Coach who specialises in helping individuals, leaders and teams to flourish.

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