As the end of year work festivities kick in, events like going out for lunch, secret Santa’s or donating items to a charity instead become the norm. It pays to watch the expectations placed on your people as an employer and leader; your best intentions may not land as intended.
It’s a time when financial pressures are mounting for some. People may feel uncomfortable opting out of the office ‘do’ when asked to contribute, despite feeling anxious and worried about how they will afford it.
$30 for lunch out, plus drinks and a gift may not seem like much to some, but for others, add to this the year that’s been and it can all take a toll on over burdened finances.
Things may be going gangbusters at your place of work, but what else could be going on at home for team members. Reduced household income due to less hours or job losses, resulting in financial pressures may be very real. Not everyone wants to talk about their financial situation at work – us kiwis are renowned for keeping this to ourselves!
When we feel out of control with our finances and financial future, our wellbeing suffers.
Ask your people how they want to end their working year – not everyone wants to go out for lunch or expects a big party. And as an employee, it’s also important to keep in mind your employer has had a tough year too and finances may not stretch to ‘nice to haves’.
Don’t let the good intentions of the end of year festivities create or add to the financial nightmare or stress levels of yourself, or your people.
Check out our 7 tips to celebrate the work year that’s been, 2020 has certainly been one out of the box!
Robin Wilson
Robin is a Catalyst for Change. A Resilience at Work Coach, Workplace Wellness Specialist and Holistic Health & Wellness Coach who specialises in helping individuals, leaders and teams to flourish.